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Thank you for visiting Engineer My World! The About page discusses the purpose and background of the site, the Blog features short letters about the site's development, lessons learned, and helpful tips for you, and the Apps page is our repository of programs that solve STEM problem. I hope you return here frequently here to see our ever-expanding resources!
I just launched our official YouTube channel! I'm currently taking Udemy's 100 Days of Code Python Bootcamp and will be condensing everything that's taught into short, digestible video lessons, and I'd love to have you join me in mastering Python so subscribe to the channel!
(Now finished)! If you're interested in building your own website using Python, download my web development guide, where I've documented in detail my process for making this site. It'll walk you through developing web apps and architecture and deploying them to the internet. You can follow along as you build your site!
New YouTube video: March 26, 2021 ⇾ Python: print(), len(), input(), Variables, Concatenation, Nesting
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